3 Cheer Tyme Gyms in 4 Years
– Greencastle, Mechanicsburg, Chantilly
Univ of Louisville Cheerleader
U of L Captain 2019-2020
NCA Collegiate National Champion
– 2017 Small Coed
– 2018, 2019, 2022 2023 All Girl
Univ of Louisville All Girl Asst Coach
3 X USASF World Champion
– Gym Tyme Gold
NCA Speed Staff / NCA Head Instructor
Gym Tyme All Star Coach
4th Place Summit – Gym Tyme Blush
Multiple State, Regional and National Championships
I started my cheer journey in Martinsburg WV at Cheer Gems Allstars under mama Melissa Baez Johnson. When Melissa took her talents to Greencastle PA, I followed and that’s where my journey with Cheer Tyme began. I cheered on multiple teams at the Greencastle location, was invited to be on Invasion (international worlds team) at the original Mechanicsburg PA location and then ended my senior age all star career at the Chantilly VA location when I was on Cheer Tyme Love.
I can’t thank Cheer Tyme enough for everything that it has given me over the years. To all of my coaches that have helped shape me into the woman and coach that I am today, thank you thank you thank you Earl Lambert Liz Mathewson Shea Meyers Edward J Cook Perry Johnson you have each helped in so many different ways and I wouldn’t have been able to live out my wildest dreams being a Louisville Cheerleader without you.With that being said I am so honored and proud to announce that this July, I will be inducted into the Cheer Tyme Hall of Fame I am so excited to be a member of the first inductee class. I cannot thank Kimberly Braasch and Scott Crasher Braasch enough for this opportunity. It is something that I will cherish forever.
Incredibly honored and blessed to be inducted into the Cheer Tyme All Stars Hall of Fame Inaugural Class of 2022.