Cheer Tyme Tumbling & All Star Coach
Cheer Tyme for 4 Years – 2012-2016
Iconic Tumbling Coach
Woodward Coach
Multiple State & Regional Championships
Multiple National Championships

Aaron was most know at the gym for his wonderful personality, he was an an instant hit with all the athletes he coached. His athletic ability was top notch as a stunter, but through his tumbling skills he garnered much respect and made him a complete cheer athlete and coach. He was on the Jay Leno show years ago for flipping over a long group of people that was videoed during his time at Cheer Dynasty. He worked for many years teaching at Woodward camps. The athletes worked hard for Aaron and his “Aaron made me do it!” t shirts and bows (that he would give out to athletes that achieved their tumbling skills / goals) we always a huge hit in the gym. Aaron is the creator of the Heart Logo that you see today with the interlocking CT in the shape of a heart. Aaron met and married Chelsey “Thompson” Jackson through Cheer Tyme and they are living in Northern Virginia with their daughter Reyna.
Aaron has achieved so much in our sport from his Tyme before Cheer Tyme with Cheer Dynasty, Cheer Madness, and Woodward, to his time after Cheer Tyme with MD Twisters. We are proud of his accomplishments and welcome Aaron into the Cheer Tyme 2023 Hall Of Fame.
“Thank You My Friends, I am Honored to be a part of the Cheer Tyme Hall Of Fame!”