Cheer Tyme 1998 – 2015
Founding Member of Central Penn All Stars
NCA Staff Member
10 Year Coach at Cheer Tyme
Multiple State, Regional and National Championships
Choreographer Award Winner
Top 30 Under 30 Coaching Award
– American Cheerleader Magazine
Jam Brands Judge of the Year
Varsity Spirit Core Staff and Nationals Judge
I’ve watched my brother and sister-in-law build a gym from nothing. Backyards to union halls, and warehouses to a state of the art training facility. It’s been an incredible journey to watch. Many highs and certainly some lows. But the dream still lives and both of you, along with an incredible CT family, have many reasons to celebrate. I thank you for this honor. I’ve coached countless athletes over the years and worked alongside numerous coaches. This is a very special moment. I’m forever grateful to be part of this family. It’s had a HUGE part in making me the man I am today. Purple will always be my favorite color. Cheer Tyme All Stars #family #heartsup #always
For Scott Crasher Braasch and Kimberly Braasch, it’s been 25 years of blood, sweat and tears. My 10 years was some of the greatest moments in my life – and now officialy in their Hall of Fame 2022 class. This reunion weekend was much needed and long overdue. So many smiles – so many hugs – such a beautiful backdrop. Congrats Cheer Tyme All Stars and all those who have made it what it is today. Cheers to MANY more! #heartsup