Welcome to the Cheer Tyme Alumni Page. To Cheer Tyme, working with cheerleaders has always been more than just teaching high V’s and handsprings, it was about instilling morals, integrity, teamwork, and confidence in our athletes. Many of you have taken those traits learned from Cheer Tyme into the real world and utilize them everyday. We are more proud of your achievements than we are, the hundreds of National Championships we have won. This page is dedicated to the Alumni that have graced our gyms over the last 25 years.
CLICK to attend our 25th Reunion July 17th 2022!

Our goal as an association is to promote the current athletes and the Cheer Tyme program, to continually enhance the betterment of competitive cheer in Central PA, and to help defray the costs associated with current athletes competitive expenses.
Scott & Kim Braasch
From our TYME as CPAS – Central Penn All Stars, to our TYME opening PA’s First Cheerleading Gym, 1998, to our TYME owning multiple Cheer Tyme locations (Lemoyne, Malvern, Altoona, Greencastle, Chantilly, Fairfax, Harrisburg, Fredricks,) to our many TYME’s competing at the end of year events (Final Destination, USASF Worlds, US Finals, The Summit and D2 Summit,) to our current TYME celebrating 25 years, one thing is for sure TYME keeps on ticking-ticking-ticking into the future. With your help the association will continue to provide opportunities for Central PA’s Cheer Athletes.
Below are some pictures from over the years. If you have picture you wish to share, send any old Cheer Tyme or CPAS pictures to Crasher@CheerTyme.com.